Spirit Squads
The Virginia Tech spirit program is a highly visible and enthusiastic athletic group on campus. Their primary purpose is to support Intercollegiate Athletics and serve as ambassadors by appearing at university functions and community events throughout the year. The spirit program consists of a co-ed cheer team, dance team (HighTechs) and the HokieBird mascot.
Members of the spirit squads must be full-time students at Virginia Tech pursuing an undergraduate or graduate degree and must maintain a minimum 2.0 GPA. Tryouts are typically held during the spring semester (late April). High School seniors are eligible to tryout in the spring of their senior year if they have been admitted to Virginia Tech or waitlisted for the upcoming fall semester.
Spirit Squad members are expected to make a serious commitment to the program. The season begins in early August, the cheerleaders compete in January at UCA College nationals and concludes in April with the NDA College Dance Championships.
Spirit Squad members are considered student-athletes and all expenses associated with being a member are covered by Intercollegiate Athletics.
All uniforms, Nike gear including-practice gear, shoes and warm-ups- megaphones, poms, travel to away games, bowl games, ACC Tournaments, NCAA Tournaments, and meals are provided by Virginia Tech.
Academic Support
Student Athlete Academic Support Services (SAASS) supports students in balancing their academic and athletic demands by providing comprehensive academic support services such as tutoring, studying assistance, computing technology, and academic and individual skill development programs. A SAASS professional is assigned to each athletic team and is the lead person and contact for coordinating the academic support efforts for the team members. SAASS integrates its services with those of the University and facilitates and encourages appointments with appropriate offices such as the Registrar, Office of Scholarships and Financial Aid, Dean's Offices, Career Services, Cook Counseling Center, Cranwell International Center, Center for Academic Enrichment and Excellence, and major academic advisors. The expectations of the Virginia Tech community are that each student-athlete will achieve his or her maximum academic and athletic potential. With the proper assistance, facilities, and encouragement, these potentials can and do become a reality.
Sports Medicine
The teams have an athletic trainer who is present at every practice, game and athletic competition. The primary training room is located in the Merryman Center & Cassell Coliseum, with a physical therapy room and space for immediate treatment. First-class care by top athletic trainers and doctors with state-of-the art equipment are available in the 10,000-square foot facility to all Spirit Squad members.
Sports Nutrition
Each sports team has a nutritionist who is there provides support to the student athletes. This ranges from counseling on nutrition/health topics, team talks, BodPods and more. Squad members also have access to the nutrition oasis, located in Cassell Coliseum, where they can grab snacks, shakes and smoothies between classes or before and after practice or lifting.
Strength & Conditioning
Members of the spirit squads have mandatory lifting 2 days a week in the Olympic weight room in Cassell Coliseum. Both male and female squad members have a strength and conditioning coach that write their lifting program, train the athletes on proper lifting technique and oversee their workout sessions. The strength staff, training staff and coaching staff work together to insure the best plans to improve the overall fitness of the athlete and prevent injuries, while still keeping the sport of cheerleading and dance the primary focus.
Fourth year squad members and third year out of state squad members receive $400 per semester for books, if they meet and maintain the scholarship criteria. The criteria consist of having a 3.0 GPA, having been on Varsity or the nationals team and being in good standing with the spirit program, for the previous semester.