Q. How can I listen to games on my computer, my smartphone, or my iPad?
A. You can listen to all Virginia Tech IMG Sports Network programming on your home computer or laptop at hokiesports.com/radio/broadcasts/. In addition, with the HokieSports app, you can listen to games and shows on devices which run iOS and Android.
Q. How are football games picked for television and why don't we know game times until so late?
A. Prior to the season, ABC, ESPN, ESPN2, and The ACC Network pick a schedule of games. However, ABC & ESPN reserve 12 and six-day window to pick a specific game. That is why some games remain 'TBA' well into the season. ABC/ESPN have exclusive national TV rights to home games involving ACC teams, including non-conference games. For non-conference road games, the home team's conference controls national television rights. The television networks select kickoff times for all games.
Q. If I can't hear the games in my area, what can I do?
A. Contact the local station and let them know that you would be interested in listening to Tech football and basketball on their station. Have other Hokies fans do the same, especially if it can be done through the Hokie Club in your area.
Q. Why wouldn't all stations want to carry the Tech Network?
A. Today's radio stations have many formats (music, news/talk, combinations) from which to choose to program their broadcast day. Many hesitate to break from format to accommodate specialized sports programming. Fortunately, Hokie sports have grown to such a popular level, and Tech fans/sponsors are so avid, that stations in cities hundreds of miles from Tech's campus are eager and willing to broadcast Tech football and basketball games.
Q. Do stations have to pay to carry Tech games?
A. The Tech Network works on a 'barter basis' with stations. Stations are allowed just under 50% of the commercial time in the broadcast for their sponsors while the Network has its time for state and national sponsors. These sponsors provide significant revenue for the network and, in turn, the athletic department.
Q. Why aren't there more FM stations on the Tech Network?
A. Most FM stations are music intensive and avoid any programming what would break-up music such as news, talk or sports. The Network always contacts FM stations along with AM stations in an effort to identify the best signal and program clearance. Many station on the Tech network, such as those in Blacksburg, Harrisonburg, Washington, D.C., Luray, Blackstone and Lynchburg cover 17 or more counties because of their strong signals.
Q. Why is there a delay in the game when I watch on TV while listening to the same game on the radio? The TV is always a few seconds behind Jon and Mike.
A. The signal from the Virginia Tech IMG Sports Network is sent from the stadium via satellite to radio stations around the Commonwealth. Those stations then send the signal to your radio. (That all happens in less than one second!) However on television, there can be two, three or even four 'satellite hops' from the stadium, to a network, to a satellite television distributor (Dish or DirectTV) or your cable operator and then to your television. Those multiple hops can take several seconds, and thus create a delay when you try to watch the game on television while you listen to your hometown Tech Network station. Also, some stations have implemented an HD-Radio transmitter which improves the overall south quality, but they create a delay due to the processing of the signal. There are products such as the Sports Sync Radio, that allow you to 'sync-up' your television with your local radio station.
Q. When is "Virginia Tech Sports Today" on in my area?
A. Follow this link to find the stations and times for your area.
Q. How do I hear Tech games on Satellite radio?
A. All ACC football and men's basketball games can be heard on SiriusXM Satellite Radio. SiriusXM utilizes the home team's radio network feed of each game. SiriusXM is a subscription service. For more information, see siriusxm.com.