LOUISVILLE, Ky. – Virginia Tech softball earned six individual NFCA All-America Scholar-Athlete honors last season, as announced by the National Fastpitch Coaches Association (NFCA) on Tuesday.
Vanessa Gonzalez, Bailey Liddle, Kylie McGoldrick, Kelsey Mericka, Kiara Ota, and Michelle Prong are six of the 5,493 softball players across seven membership divisions to earn NFCA All-America Scholar-Athlete honors for the 2014-15 academic year.
NCAA Division I, with 1,554 honorees, had the most student-athletes with a 3.5 grade-point average or higher, while 1,018 in Division III earned recognition, followed by 833 Division II student-athletes. High School weighted and High School unweighted posted 691 and 627 honorees apiece. NAIA amassed 410 recipients and Junior College totaled 360.
The Hokies continue their fall slate this weekend at Tech Softball Park, beginning Saturday at noon.
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