Virginia Tech Athletics Department
Lane Stadium (West Side)
185 Beamer Way
Blacksburg, VA 24061
Ticket Office/Ticket Sales
Job responsibilities: Jennings handles seat selections, answers phone questions, and assists in sales for football and basketball tickets.
Joined VT Athletics: 2013
At Virginia Tech: Jennings worked as a sports marketing intern while pursing a degree in marketing.
Prior to Virginia Tech: Jennings worked as a cashier/credit sales at Bass Pro Shops in Ashland, Virginia and also in food/beverage at Kings Dominion.
Education: Virginia Tech, 2015 (B.S. in marketing management)
Personal: A native of Ashland, Virginia, Jennings is a huge baseball fan, and especially, a New York Mets fan. He is a first generation college student and enjoys fishing, hunting, being outside, and relaxing in the Caribbean.
Q&A with Jennings
Q: What most excites you about your work in the ticket office and the contribution you make?
CJ: To get to work with people on the front lines, but from a different view than marketing/promotions. Helping people out is always satisfying.
Q: In your work or creative process, what concepts are most sacred to you and why?
CJ: I love Photoshop, and the graphics I’ve created for Cassell Guard, as well as marketing, are very close to me.
Q: What are one to three words that best encapsulate who you are?
CJ: Always Hungry (motivated, and actually).
Q: Name the five songs that would best describe the soundtrack of your life.
CJ: Enter Sandman, I lived, Best Day of My Life, The Baseball Song, Don’t Worry Be Happy.
Q: Who is the one person, dead or alive, you would most like to have a conversation with and why?
CJ: Eric Thomas. He has been one of the most inspirational people in my life, and without him, I certainly wouldn’t be near where I am today.
Q: What are you passionate about personally? What do you really enjoy? What can’t you stop talking about?
CJ: Baseball, or sports in general. Sports are my life, so I’m always thinking about sports.
Q: Where can we find you when you’re not working? What’s your favorite way to spend a weekend or a Sunday afternoon?
CJ: Probably on a baseball field somewhere or relaxing with friends outside somewhere.
Q: What would be impossible for you to give up?
CJ: The ability to watch sports.
Q: What is the No. 1 item at the top of your bucket list currently?
CJ: Get to a Mets game and then visit all 30 baseball stadiums.
Q: What is your favorite Hokie Athletics memory to date?
CJ: Being the former director of Cassell Guard, any of the buzzer beaters, but probably rushing the court when the women’s basketball team beat then highly ranked Florida State.