Virginia Tech Athletics Department
Lane Stadium (West Side)
185 Beamer Way
Blacksburg, VA 24061
Ticket Office/Ticket Sales
Job responsibilities: Brooks reconciles daily financial deposits, processes all office expenses and invoices, coordinates contract, trade, and department complimentary tickets, reconciles all home and away football and basketball games, and manages ticket operations for women’s basketball.
Joined VT Athletics Staff: 2010
Prior to Virginia Tech: Brooks worked an internship in the athletics department at College of Charleston and also as a ticket office sales associate at Vanderbilt University.
Education: Christopher Newport University, 2006 (B.A. in communications studies)
Who is the one person, dead or alive, you would most like to have a conversation with & why? Jesus, He is my Lord and Savior!
Personal: Brooks lives in Christiansburg, Virginia with her husband Brandon. The two were married in 2015.
Q&A with Brooks
Q: What are you passionate about personally? What do you really enjoy? What can’t you stop talking about?
CB: My nieces and nephew! They are absolutely precious and such a joy to be around.
Q: Where can we find you when you’re not working? What’s your favorite way to spend a weekend or a Sunday afternoon?
CB: In the summer, I love to go boating on Claytor Lake. In the fall/spring, I enjoy hiking, and in the winter, lounging around the house baking or trying new crockpot recipes.
Q: What would be impossible for you to give up?
CB: Coffee
Q: What is the No. 1 item at the top of your bucket list currently?
CB: Travel the West Coast, starting in Seattle down to San Diego.
Q: What is your favorite Hokie Athletics memory to date?
CB: Watching the VT football team claw its way back in the 2016 Belk Bowl against Arkansas and claiming the victory! Best comeback ever!