The Hokie men’s golf team has always been a valuable member of the
Virginia Tech community, volunteering its time to help others on several
occasions throughout the year. Among other events the past few seasons, the
team takes a day away from the course each spring to visit the Shriners Hospital
for Children in Greenville, S.C.
The visit, arranged through
the Virginia Tech Athletics
Department’s Office of Student-
Athlete Development, is an
opportunity for the team to “give
back” to the community.
The Hokies take posters of
the team, Virginia Tech logoed
golf balls, brochures and Hokie
Kids Club T-shirts for every child
at the hospital. They visit each
room, spending time with many
of the children who come to the
hospital for daily treatments.
In all, the team members have
interacted with more than 100
kids and parents, talking and
playing games, even using their
own putters to teach the kids how
to putt.