The story of the Virginia Tech golf team dates
back to the 1932-33 season. The Techmen have
had success since the very beginning, with their first
victory coming on April 23, 1933, when the team
defeated Roanoke College, 10-2.
The Hokies continued to improve during the early
years and made their first NCAA championship
appearance in 1957 at Colorado Springs, Colo.
In 1962, Tech returned to the NCAA tournament
and placed 26th at Duke University Golf Course in
Durham, N.C.
Tech was a more dominant force in 1965, as
the team tied for 11th at the NCAA championship
in Knoxville, Tenn. The late Tim Collins finished in
seventh place individually in that event, then went on
to finish 20th the following
year and in fifth place in the
1967 tournament, the best
ever individual performance
for a Virginia Tech golfer in
the NCAA championship. The
Hokies had their best ever
team result that year as well,
finishing sixth. Collins earned
All-America status in 1965
and 1967, and was inducted
into the Virginia Tech Sports
Hall of Fame in 1985. From
1968 to 1971, Tech sent
four representatives (one
each year) to the NCAA
Also a standout in the mid-
1960s, and a teammate of
Collins, was Neff McClary. In
1965, he won the Southern
Conference individual
championship and helped
pace the Hokies to three
Members of the 1994 Virginia Tech golf team—David Havens, Matt Martin,
Brian Sharp, Curtis Deal and Sean Farrell, all among Tech’s all-time scoring
leaders—celebrate with Coach Jay Hardwick. The ’94 squad won three events,
including the Metro Conference Championship, and finished 19th in the NCAA
Tim Collins
Curtis Deal and Brian Sharp rank among Tech’s
all-time scoring leaders.